
EXO’s Winter Album Plan May Get Canceled Due To CBX & SM Conflict

EXO originally planned to release an album this winter but it is expected to be canceled due to CBX and SM’s conflict

According to insiders in the Korean music industry on June 11th, SM and EXO had already planned to release an album as a whole group earlier this year and discussed their promotion activities.

This album will be full of songs that match the vibe of the season, rather than releasing powerful songs focusing on performance. In particular, “The First Snow”, which received huge love from the public and climbed back on music charts, is also a song from a winter album EXO released.

There have been no discussions regarding the winter album in the first half of this year because of the members’ solo promotions and individual activities. However, they did consider releasing a winter album.

However, it’s getting more difficult for the plan to proceed now. CBX members Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin recently held an emergency press conference on June 10th to expose SM’s unfair treatment, deny SM’s claims of tampering, and reveal their intention to sue the company.

In response, SM immediately issued a statement refuting CBX’s statements, emphasizing, “We want to clarify that the essence of all these incidents is tampering by MC Mong and Cha Ga-won towards the artists”. They also hinted at taking legal action.

The conflict between EXO-CBX and SM occurred once last year, but it was brought up once again with CBX’s recent press conference. Therefore, it is hard for EXO to hold any meetings for the group album this winter until the two sides reach an agreement.

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