
Cho Yoon-hee “Everyday nightmare” vs Lee Dong-gun “Too few people taking my side”: Divorced Couple Shared Their Feelings

Cho Yoon-hee and Lee Dong-gun, who are divorced, are belatedly confessing their feelings on shows.

Recently, a teaser video for the next episode of TV Chosun’s entertainment show “Now I’m Alone” was released. “Now I’m Alone” is a reality show that briefly captures the lives of people who have become single again. It depicts their journey to adapt to the “single” world and prepare for another leap forward.

jo yoon hee lee dong gun

This show stars actress Cho Yoon-hee, who married actor Lee Dong-gun in 2017, had a daughter in December of that year, but divorced in 2020. In the teaser video, Cho says, “I had bad sleep before I divorced. I had nightmares like that. I had nightmares every day.” Earlier, Cho Yoon-hee appeared on JTBC’s entertainment show “Brave Solo Parenting: I Rise” in 2021 to reveal her daily life of raising her daughter Roa alone. In this show, she said Lee Dong-gun and their daughter meet on Sundays.

As she plans to express her feelings of the divorce in the upcoming broadcast, Lee Dong-gun’s mention of his life after the divorce in a past broadcast is being re-examined. In particular, Lee Dong-gun appeared on the SBS entertainment show “My Little Old Boy” last year. On the show, he confessed that three years had passed since his divorce, saying, “It feels like it just passed with my brain being blank.” He also said the most hated question he received was, “Why did you two divorce?” adding, “When I answer them, they would just spit on my face. There is no reason to explain it.” He also confessed, “There were extremely few people taking my side when I divorced.”

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