
Agency Releases Stance On Court Overturning Stock Manipulation Verdict Of Lee Seung-gi’s Father-in-law

Lee Seung-gi’s agency spoke up after the Supreme Court sent the stock manipulation allegation of the actor’s father-in-law to trial

On June 16th, Lee Seung-gi’s agency Big Planet Made released a statement, saying “The Supreme Court recently decided to overturn and remand the allegation of a stock price manipulation in 2016 of Lee Seung-gi’s father-in-law A”, adding “First of all, Big Planet Made would like to express our willingness to fully support our artist Lee Seung-gi so that he can only focus on his work as an actor and singer”.

Lee Seung-gi’s side confessed, “We earnestly ask that you refrain from interfering with the family of the artist, who always tries to get closer to his fans. Lee Seung-gi is currently fulfilling his responsibilities as the head of the family, a husband, a father, and a son-in-law. His father-in-law A and mother-in-law (actress Kyeon Mi-ri) have also become grandparents of a newborn baby”.

lee seung gi

Emphasizing that the issue related to A was before Lee Seung-gi got married, Big Planet Made said, “It’s also a problem that the family needs to solve”, adding “In the future, our agency will take stronger legal action against fake news and malicious comments about Lee Seung-gi and his family”.

According to the legal circles on June 16th, the Supreme Court Division 3 (Chief Judge Roh Jung-hee) overturned the original verdict, which acquitted four people, including Kyeon Mi-ri’s husband A, who was accused of violating the Captial Markets Act, and B, who co-operated the company with A and sent the case back to the Seoul High Court.

At the time of the second trial, the court acquitted A, claiming that it was not a fraudulent transaction. However, the Supreme Court stated, “The lower court’s decision was incorrect”, adding “This act was an attempt to gain financial profits through false statements regarding important matters of the company”. As such, they sent the case back to the Seoul High Court.

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